March 2025: Winch capable bumper is half done, ready in 2-3 weeks if bought now
RAM front bumper
winch mounting platform in 1/4 inch thick steel inside
3/16 inch thick outside wraparound; showing here
work in progress, but first bumper is ready to purchase, for less than future bumpers
1 inch shackle mounts
Xterra Ram
Base mount
3 bolts hold bracket to frame (per side), 1 bolt in place shown, last bolt is from below
2 more bolts hold bracket to winch platform -- winch sits on top
RAM Type #1 front view
This is design #1 look - flat plating throughout
placeholder photo, new photos coming
center section will be as shown
sides will be either with thicker plating or with tubing on outside and thinner plating inside
Ram Type #2
This is design #2 look - same center (winch holding area) but with tubular sides
No photos yet - similar contours but instead solid (heavier) sides where currently fog lights are, it's an outline from tubing with opening filled with lighter plating
Fog Lights
A) round or square fog lights
B) single, double up-down, or double left-right
RAM features
top hoop optional
side hoops optional
Bumper, front plate, wings
All together
Sit on top
Flat front lip allows sitting on top by headlights -- heated seats in winter
GoPro cameras can be mounted too (with 3M double sided tape)